About Dr. Tammy Oluyori

My path to becoming a psychologist is pretty straightforward – it’s all about heart for me. Helping people has always brought me joy, starting from my childhood days of looking after younger kids. Being of West African origin, a strong sense of community and helping others is deeply rooted in my culture. I’ve happily assisted neighbours with babies and children, cherishing moments of creativity, laughter, and play.
My path to becoming a psychologist is pretty straightforward – it’s all about heart for me. Helping people has always brought me joy, starting from my childhood days of looking after younger kids. Being of West African origin, a strong sense of community and helping others is deeply rooted in my culture. I’ve happily assisted neighbours with babies and children, cherishing moments of creativity, laughter, and play.

My childhood love for caring and playing with younger kids led me to pursue childhood studies, education and psychology at College and University.
During my undergraduate degree, I had the privilege of working as a Volunteer Counsellor at ChildLine (a voluntary organisation that provides telephone counselling support to children and young people in the UK).
This role spurred me on to further my study in Doctorate in Counselling Psychology at the University of Manchester. Since qualifying as a Registered Counselling Psychologist, I have worked across various healthcare and educational settings; held posts working in Specialist Eating Disorder Service, Child and Adolescent Services and General Adult Mental Health Services.

As a fellow human, I have experienced first-hand the power of acknowledging and processing difficult childhood experiences in order to move towards greater emotional and psychologist health.
Personal therapy and training has offered me compassionate, safe and non-judgmental space to put my key childhood and adult experiences to words. In fact, I did not realise the significance of some experiences on patterns of thoughts and behaviours in my adult life until I was offered the space to reflect.
I am able to own my story with confidence and power. This continually helps me foster a relationship with myself that is underpinned by compassion. I accept that I am an imperfect human being living in an imperfect world. Like many others, my journey of slef-discovery is a continuous one. However, I approach it with a playful curiosity and excitement that keeps me engaged and motivated.